Take your business from good to great in 2021! Don't miss this annual event where you choose your speakers!
Attendees will rotate sessions, spending time with 2 different business leaders as they present on specific topics geared towards helping entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level.
Topics will educate and inspire entrepreneurs and business leaders personally and/or professionally. Register now to receive your first choice of speakers. Attendees will choose their top 3 speakers at registration.
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Good to Great Topics & SPEAKERS:
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With Victoria Beckman, Frost Brown Todd
The Internet allows businesses of all sizes and from any location to reach new and larger markets and provides opportunities to work more efficiently by using computer-based tools. Whether a company is thinking of adopting cloud computing or just using email and maintaining a website, cybersecurity and privacy should be a part of the business plan. Join this session to discuss key factors to consider when designing your information security programs and privacy policies and learn about regulation applicable to your business.
In this session attendees will learn:
- To be aware of applicable privacy and cybersecurity regulations per state and industry.
- The risks and evolving threats to data security and prepare to avoid a data breach.
- Real case scenarios and the consequences of data security and privacy violations.
Fostering a Healthy Company Culture
With Simone Crawley, Crawley Cultural Consulting
Recent social justice movements have reenergized criticism of toxic company culture. Data and research also outline the connection between workplace bias and negative outcomes for marginalized groups. Leaders must address these attitudes and behaviors to improve diverse employee recruitment and retention. Leaders can improve their company culture by making employees feel seen and have a voice!
In this session attendees will learn:
- To understand the impact of bias on company culture.
- The impact on a company's bottom line.
- Concepts to address bias internally.
Navigating and Embracing a Remote Work Culture
With Sharon DeLay, GO-HR
The genie is out of the bottle and one of the most in-demand benefits from today's employees has been proven possible by a global pandemic. You're kidding yourself if you believe "returning to normal" includes bringing your employees back into a traditional office space. This session will explore the hard and soft truths about remote working and give employers and business leaders a lot to think about when it comes to safety, security, obvious and hidden costs, and mental health and social considerations, not to mention employee engagement and productivity. Sharon will draw on the dozens of sessions she's already presented this topic in, including to Chambers of Commerce, HR leader groups, the Columbus Bar Association, and the GS 10KSB program, and the participant questions and shared best practices received, as part of her overview.
In this session attendees will learn:
- The one thing that must be at the foundation of every remote working arrangement.
- Key considerations every employer must think about to be as protected as possible when building a remote workforce.
- What your leaders and managers must know and think about when working with a remote team.
Is your Financial House in Order?
With Hilary Dodson, Kaiser Consulting
This session will provide an overview of basic financial statements and key performance indicators that can help entrepreneurs and small business owners better understand their financial performance and make better business decisions for future growth.
In this session attendees will learn:
- Understand how to use basic financial statements
- How to identify and utilize key performance indicators
- What type of accountant they really need.
No mom guilt: Thriving with kids doing remote learning!
With Dr. Pamela Ellis, The Education Doctor
The demands of growing a successful firm has run head-on in the face of remote learning. Over 75% of moms have primary responsibility for executing the vision for their children’s education. I will engage mompreneurs with my top tips and resources to save time, money and the relationship with their child as they nurture their children’s educational success. I have advised hundreds of moms and teens to navigate through these challenging times since March 2020.
In this session attendees will learn:
- How to gain practical grade-specific tips that offer realistic approaches for helping with school.
- Discover time saving tips for helping children.
- Develop a framework to use beyond remote learning for educational success.
Choosing Mindfulness over Hustle Culture
With Eryn Gilson, 614 Mom & Eryn Gilson Consulting
We live in a world where hustling through life is a badge of honor but replacing our to-do list with another to-do list is normal. What if we slowed down and embraced the small moments in our lives, celebrated the small stuff, and loved the life we live all while still achieving our goals? Life would be much sweeter and a lot more beautiful if we could say goodbye to the hustle and embrace mindfulness in our lives and in our business.
In this session attendees will learn:
- To walk away feeling free to say goodbye to constantly hustling without being able to enjoy their lives.
- Real examples of ways they can practice mindfulness in their business.
- Encouraged to seek out ways to run their businesses that make sense to them.
You Have What It Takes To Be a Thought Leader
With Rhonda Peterson, RKP Ventures LLC
Thought Leadership is the ability to integrate and showcase your experience, vision and unique point of view in your industry. This marketing strategy helps you stand out from the competition, carving out a unique niche as an industry leader, gaining attention with both potential clients and collaboration partners. One of the outcomes of the coaching framework is identifying and leaning into your unique thought leadership expertise. Rhonda has personal experience in using thought leadership to showcase her expertise that has allowed her to hone her message and increase her visibility to the right audience, the one who can most benefit from it.
In this session attendees will learn:
- Understanding of the value of thought leadership.
- Identifying where thought leadership benefits your business.
- Explore potential areas of thought leadership for your business.
Paid Advertising 101
With Carissa Richardson, Kindred Strategy
Over the past few months, we've seen first hand how paid advertising has helped our clients reach their marketing goals, despite the pandemic. With changing consumer behavior, it is more important than ever to consider different ways to market your business. We've been able to take our 15 years of experience working with businesses of all sizes and use it to help our clients uncover ways that paid advertising could help you solve some of their current marketing challenges.
In this session attendees will learn:
- What types of paid advertising exist and which options are best for your business.
- How to set you goals and objectives.
- How to measure those goals in order to optimize your advertising results.
LinkedIn: What are you waiting for?
With Deanna Russo, Leverage Up, LLC
Deanna will bust myths like LinkedIn is just for B2B, LinkedIn is a network for job seekers, AND LinkedIn is for large corporations. Deanna will help to brand & grow your following on LinkedIn the right way.
In this session attendees will learn:
- How to create a headline that gets attention.
- What a profile picture should look like.
- What your banner graphic should be.
Navigating Your Business Through Financial Uncertainty
With Moniqua L. Spencer, U.S. Bank
2020 has been a very challenging year for small businesses. Based on conversations with clients navigating their business through COVID-19 is top of mind! I work with small businesses daily and can provide guidance to help business owners acquire, maintain, grow or exit their business!
In this session attendees will learn:
- You are not alone in your concerns
- Strategies to focus on what you can control in this uncertain environment
- Tips for maintaining your business in the current economy
Developing a plan to strengthen your business & community!
With Melissa Wick, Wick Law Offices, LLC
The most successful business owners start and operate their businesses using not just a great business idea but also with a plan to help their community!
This can be achieved by helping business owners choose a cause that aligns with their business, developing a strategic partnership contracts to further those goals, and focusing on aligning governing documents with sustainable business models.
In this session attendees will learn:
- The importance of formation documents to protect you, your ideas and your assets and how those legal documents should encompass your strategy.
- How and why you should form strategic partnerships with the goal of using your business to help the community.
- Examples of sustainable/impactful business models and the legal nuts and bolts of how to incorporate those into a small business.
Are you pushing your team too hard, or not hard enough?With Sheree Young, Vitality Natural Wellness and Medspa
Leveraging the Visionary-Integrator relationship in your business is the basis for determining growth and scale opportunities. How do you know when you are hitting that sweet spot of sustainable growth? Bridging your business from startup to establishment requires a completely different skill set than what is required to thrive in each phase separately. Following the principles of Jim Collins, Gino Wickman, and Mark C. Winters, Sheree has successfully transitioned three startups. Knowing when to push, when to back off, and when to “let go of the raft” are key principles to a successful transition.
In this session attendees will learn:
- Mistakes are inevitable.
- Keep relationships top of mind.
- Let go of the raft.